Welcome to Catholic University’s Research Day 2022! This year, you’ll be able to explore an extraordinary array of research being conducted by students, faculty, and staff of The Catholic University of America. The hallmarks of this research are its innovation, diversity, and global nature. This year’s seventh annual University Research Day is both an in-person and virtual event, making it an exciting day on campus while also reaching out to a global audience.
This event, which has become part of the culture of Catholic University, began in 2016 with the inspiration and hard work of NCSSS professor Melissa Grady, and the support of former Provost Andrew Abela. Since the success of that first University Research Day, subsequent annual events have grown and introduced new additions, such as performances, interactive demonstrations, and online presentations.
This year, we are excited to offer a full day of research in-person and online, beginning with addresses by President Garvey, Provost Dominguez, and Keynote Speaker Dr. Bui. Audiences can then explore presentations of research topics on campus or online, including 61 oral presentations, 125 poster presentations, and many musical performances. The event will culminate with a live awards ceremony in which the Provost will announce and speak with the winners.
Understandably, this event has taken many hands to put together. We want to thank Provost Dominguez for his strong support for research and the University Research Day 2022 Planning Committee, and the University’s Web Services team for their work to present an inspiring day of research!
Most importantly, we are also grateful to you, the presenters, University community, and our family and friends, for your enthusiasm and excitement about this day. Enjoy!
Becky Robert and Elizabeth Edinger
URD 2022 Co-Chairs
Research Day 2022 Program
Open the Research Day 2022 Program to learn more about the event:
- View a list of presentations and performances
- Get to know Keynote Speaker Hieu Bui, Ph.D.
- Meet the Research Day 2022 committee
Recorded Livestreams
Research Day 2022 featured two livestreams from the beginning and end of the day.
Research Day 2022 Introduction and Keynote
Research Day committee co-chair Becky Robert introduces Research Day 2022, with presentations from Provost Aaron Dominguez and Dr. Hieu Bui.
Research Day 2022 Awards and Closing
Research Day committee co-chair Beth Edinger and Provost Aaron Dominguez present awards and close out Catholic University Research Day 2022.
Archived Presentations
Presentation links in the Research Day 2022 program are participant-submitted, and may not be available long-term. For continued access, an archive has been created in the University Libraries Digital Collection.
Posters from Research Day 2022
Oral Presentations from Research Day 2022
Finalists and Awards
Undergraduate Oral Presentations
Award Winner
Theme Park Crowd Management: A Retrospective Look and an Inquiry into the Future
Luke Neely, School of Architecture and Planning, Undergraduate
Advisor: Professor John YoestFinalists
Unprecedented Times Call for Unprecedented Measures: Inducing Social Stress in the Virtual World
Elizabeth R. Greene, School of Arts and Sciences (Psychology), Undergraduate
Collaborators: Ryan Seay, Rileigh Thompson, Sheila McGreevey, Evan Hughes, Deborah Clawson
Advisor: Dr. Deborah ClawsonA Comprehensive AI System for Human Emotion Recognition
Achuna Ofonedu, School of Engineering (Electrical-CS), Undergraduate
Collaborators: Robert Clement, James Strawa, Zachary Rinehart
Advisor: Dr. Lin-Ching Chang -
Masters Oral Presentations
Award Winner
Trafficking Candy from a Baby
Timothy Manion, Columbus School of Law, Masters Student
Advisor: Professor Mary LearyFinalist
The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act as a Model for Future Success? A New Method to Combat Labor Trafficking and Tighten Global Supply Chains
Jesse Raines, Columbus School of Law, Masters Student
Advisor: Professor Mary Leary -
Doctoral Oral Presentations
Award Winner
Searching for New Worlds in an Era of Massive Data Sets
Stela Ishitani Silva, School of Arts and Sciences (Physics), Doctoral Student
Advisor: Dr. Richard K. BarryFinalists
Designing a Dengue Vaccine by Crispr Engineering of Bacteriophage T4 Nanoparticles
Jarin Taslem Mourosi, School of Arts and Sciences (Biology), Doctoral Student
Collaborators: Ayobami Awe, Venigalla B. Rao
Advisor: Dr. Venigalla RaoCUA MS 240: Reading the Renaissance Collaboratively
Mikkaela Bailey, School of Arts and Sciences (History), Doctoral Student
Collaborators: Jane Maschue, Amos Bronner, Taylor Kniphfer, Daniel Yarian, James Buchanan
Advisor: Dr. Larry Poos -
Undergraduate Poster Presentations
Award Winner
Photothermal Lithotripsy for Comminution of Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones
Joel Kreuzwieser, School of Arts and Sciences (Physics), Undergraduate
Advisor: Dr. Vijay KrishnaFinalists
How do Cancer Cells ‘Talk’ to One Another? Tracking Breast Cancer Cells Using Automated Image Processing
Chelsea Loh, School of Engineering (Biomedical), Undergraduate
Advisor: Dr. Christopher RaubIn-situ Temperature Measurement Using Carbon Nanotube Yarn Monofilament Composites
Maria Erquiaga, School of Engineering (Mechanical), Undergraduate
Collaborator: Tannaz Tayyarian
Advisor: Dr. Jandro AbotClassroom Therapies for Treating PTSD in Elementary Aged Children
Hannah Corcoran, School of Arts and Sciences (Education), UndergraduateClose but No Cigar: Commission Errors in Prospective Memory Under Stress
Catherine Cerroni, School of Arts and Sciences (Psychology), Undergraduate
Collaborators: Michelle Umali, Amelia Boardman, Evan Hughes
Advisor: Dr. Deborah M. ClawsonBetter to Light One Candle: Gerrit van Honthorst's Genre of Light
Connor Robeck, Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art (Art History), Undergraduate
Advisor: Tiffany Hunt -
Masters Poster Presentations
Award Winner
Adolescent Suicidality: Exploring Correlations with Caregiver Responses
Grace Polistina, School of Arts and Sciences (Psychology), Masters Student
Collaborators: Genesis Vergara, Molly Adrian (Seattle Children's Hospital)
Advisor: Dr. David JobesFinalist
Acoustic Analogue of Graphene: Demonstrating a Working Analogue in Two Frequency Bands
Nicholas Gangemi, School of Engineering (Mechanical), Masters Student
Collaborators: Caleb Sieck - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Diego Turo, Alec Ikei (NRL), Amelia Vignola (NRL), Jeffrey Baldwin (NRL), Steven Liskey (NRL),, Aaron Edmunds (NRL), William Wilson (NRL), Michael Boone (NRL), Gregory Yesner (NRL), Douglas Photiadis (NRL), Bernard Matis (NRL)
Advisor: Dr. Joseph F. Vignola -
Doctoral Poster Presentations
Award Winner
Examining Socioemotional Measurement with Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Children
Rebecca LaCosta, School of Arts and Sciences (Psychology), Doctoral Student
Advisor: Dr. Sandra BarruecoFinalist
A Comparison of the Effect of Deliberate Practice versus Task Training Approach on Army Nurse and Combat Medics' Cognitive Load, Confidence and Competence During Simulated Combat Trauma Hemorrhage Care Training
Sandy Snyder, Conway School of Nursing, Doctoral Student
Advisor: Dr. Nalini Jairath